Eye-Opening Long and Short-Term Disability Benefits Secrets That They Don't Want You to Know

Remember those insurance commercials featuring the "Good Hands" characters. Those were the days when a cup of coffee was 50 cents, the milkman delivered, and people expected to retire from the same company where they had come up from the Mail Room.


But this is the 21st Century; it costs 50 cents to put air in your tires, and your chances for freedom at 65 seem about equal to winning the provincial lottery. Competition is in; fairness out, especially for the ill and disabled. In this age of rapidly developing trends, a dark side has emerged from the corporate obsession with downsizing, restructuring, and competitiveness.


More and more individuals who find themselves unable to function due to an injury, illness, or depression feel that there is a battle between their employer and the disability insurer to show them the back of their hand and the door. For many of these people, actual employment termination is only the lowest stage in a long, stressful period.


In Ontario, as in many Provinces, whether or not you are injured on the job or struck with a work-related illness is a key to whether you can claim from the Worker's Compensation Board or the company-sponsored disability plan. Most of the time, this is akin to experiencing execution by slow strangulation or the firing squad.


If you have incurred injuries and are now facing disability, you can rightfully file a disability claim. But if you're not aware of the legal system and lack knowledge of the law, it becomes difficult to get favorable results for your disability benefits. And when you face rejection of your claim, it may further add to your trauma.


Why hire a disability lawyer?


You should consider hiring a reliable disability lawyer. His/her ability in this field will be of tremendous advantage to you and will make the progress of your case even quicker. Disability lawyers will do necessary tasks like filling up of claim forms and other required paperwork, which you may not be able to do anymore because of your disability. They will also collect all your medical records and certificates required to further attest your claim from your attending physician.


Furthermore, your attorney will also confirm what benefits you are eligible for. After duly completing these tasks, he/she will then file your case. If your case goes to a court hearing, the lawyer will also represent you accordingly. The lawyer's expertise can thus assure you that acquiring your rightful benefits won't be an impossible thing.


Choosing the right lawyer


However, finding the right lawyer for your case can be a complicated process. When you contact disability lawyers, you need to ask some key questions. Inquire about their experience in this particular kind of case that you are involved in and also their success rate.


You must even consider specific eligibility criteria before you hire the lawyer. The lawyer should be a part of a reputed law firm, and if not, then at least he/she should have a history of winning legal battles in the court.


Don't risk the pain of losing Long or Short-Term Disability Benefits, or getting minimal disability claim by not knowing disability laws, contact the law office of Kalsi & Associates for the best advice. Discover the best disability benefits arrangement and how you can virtually guarantee a win in your case with the best Disability Lawyer in Brampton, Ontario. For a free initial consultation, contact Kalsi & Associates at 1-844-905-2993/ 905-595-2855 or info@kalsilaw.com.


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